Surprise! We’ve upgraded the FABtotum Personal Fabricator CORE edition with new hardware.
The FABtotum CORE Edition is the milestone version that combines the know-how and the research developed in over 3 years of improvements.

Stepping up to the challenge of providing the best multipurpose personal fabrication tool ever, we’ve improved the onboard computer and, for a limited time, offering this upgrade for free. We are also happy to announce that a new partnership is in place to satisfy the growing demand, and today we can guarantee to ship your order within 7 days.

It works fast. We ship fast.

Make like never before.

The FABtotum CORE now boosts a built-in wifi, 4 USB ports instead of 2.
Best of all, with the power of RPI3, a new processor is now the heart of the FABtotum Personal Fabricator. An ARMv8 Cortex A53 Quad-Core – 64bit 1.2GHz per core grants a 15x fold increase in processing power.
This means a lighting-fast boot, a smoother and more reactive user interface (FABUI), file management and editing, as well as image and point cloud processing when needed.