Need Help? The FABtotum Knowledgebase is here!

Recently we have been working on moving the old FABtotum Wiki to the new Website.
The result is a ever-growing collection  of guides and tutorials on 3D printing, Milling, CNC machining and all the other things connected.
there you will find tutorials on how to set up and run your favourite slicing software, as well as setting up the FABtotum, use it and maintain it in great working conditions.

Sometimes you just want a quick briefing on the basics of the FABUI, the FABtotum User Interface. We got you covered!
Other times you want to dive into firmware development or  lab work. We got you covered as well!

Guidelines First FABtotum Setup - Successful Install

Develope your applications with the Head Development Board

Developers Unite!

There are also advanced tutorials ad documentation from our development team, aimed to help developers to build new functionalities and take advantage of the open source & open hardware architecture of the FABtotum.
A new section dedicated to the recently released Head Development Kit is included in this section and is growing from day to day.

3D printing Support

Preparing files, slicing and obtaining great results can sometimes require an extra effort. Fear not, as the Knowledgebase is full of tips and tricks on how to get the most out of your FABtotum Personal Fabricator.

Sometimes you just need the right Slicing Profiles (Cura, Cura2 and more!), the right material or just another point of view on how to improve the quality of the print.

3D printing with FABtotum and Gcodes generated with Cura