Replicable Parts & Slicing Profiles


Hi Guys!
Today we release a first batch of printable designs that are very usefull to all FABtotum users.
These replicable parts will soon be pre-loaded on all units and licensed as CC-BY-SA.
Along with those a new open source repository has been created to keep the slicing configuration binaries (and possibly other applications ) up to date.
Slicer and Cura profiles
You can find all configurations avaiable for the Slic3r and Cura Softwares on our FAB_configs Github repository.
Instructions on how to use them and what they do are available on our wiki
These profiles (Cura Profiles in particular) have been updated and upgraded to introduce retracts, jumps and other tricks to increase quality of the prints.
Feel free to send a merge request for new or improved profiles as well!
On the Cura page of the Wiki you’ll find how to set up the FABtotum to print multiple models at once in sequential order.



Additional Replicable Components
Replicable componenents are meant to expand and increase usability of the FABtotum.
We start off with a 4th Axis mendrel that can be mounted on top of the existing flat disc.
The 4th axis mendrel can accomodate different material stocks of different sizes and shapes for machining parts
on the 4th axis or hold rigid, heavy objects during the scan.

PIMP MY FAB Assembly Instructions

PIMP MY FAB Assembly Instructions
The second part is a Camera Dust cover, that can be mounted to keep the camera away from machining dust.
The Dust cover works with a snug snap-on fit, so it’s easy to manually remove when necessary.While a clean cloth can pretty much clean the camera (or canned air works fine) a dust cover is always useful.


PIMP MY FAB Assembly Instructions


As some of the user reported smal particles of dust getting in to the left side panel from the endstop holes, we created a pair of clips that covers the area and limit the dust entrance.


PIMP MY FAB Assembly Instructions

PIMP MY FAB Assembly Instructions


Finally, an easy Spool lock-in place lever that is made to hold all spools close to 200x55mm in size inside the spool vane without the need of extended rollers (i.e. most of the suppliers today).
just tilt the lever up and the spool will come off. gravity will hold the lever down and the spool in place during normal operations.
There are more parts available,like the spool rollers made by the community.
Others will be added soon and be available for the community.
You can find all FABtotum-related parts by surfing the FABtotum Replicable Addons collection on Thingiverse.